Monday, November 13, 2023

CANNON | Stage 04

 Second pass in ZBrush:


  1. I love your wood texture and especially love the shots showing your really small details, it adds a lot. My only thing for you is I'm not entirely sure what the markings on the wheels are meant to represent, if it's stone, or wood or metal. I would definitely make those read a bit better this week.

  2. The marks on the wheels are a bit confusing. The wood detail on the base is good, but not enough texture on the cannon, could beat it up a bit. I suggest using the orb brush pack.

  3. Looks great! I'd say make the wood details on the wheel look a bit more like the details you have on the other wood parts unless it's actually metal, in that case I'd say fewer details and more noise would be better for metal.
